The main idea behind the 2021 project “Revitalization of the Royal Quarter in Olkusz and creation of a multimedia tourist route in the underground of the town hall” was to renovate the already deteriorating building of the Old District Office located at the very market square and to create not one, but two showpieces of City – the modern exhibition spaces located in the basement of the Old District Office and in the basement of the historic town hall. The former tells the story of Olkusz mining and the royal mint, while the latter focuses on the history of the City and prominent people associated with it. Already the first minutes spent in Olkusz Underground point to the great attention paid to creating a modern exposition, while preserving the historic character of this space. On the one hand there is a huge screen presenting the image from high-class multimedia projectors and on the other hand the historic stone walls of the town hall underground are exposed or modern LED screens covered with wooden beams several centimeters thick. The combination of “old” and “new” works surprisingly well in case of the Olkusz Underground. Attractive exhibition space has been achieved by combining traditional exposition, modern technologies and original design elements.
ClientUnderground OlkuszYear2021